
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Looking to buy something. Why not ask your friends for help?

The first thing that I do when I want to buy something is to pick up the phone and call a friend. This is because it is tiring to go through thousands of reviews on shopping sites. I admit, I am lazy! I let my intelligent friends do the research. I just buy what they buy. I trust their research.  It is very simple to do this.
I just create a shout on ShopSocially and invite my friends to comment on my shout. I have seen some very creative ideas come from friends. Ideas that I would not have thought of.

Sometimes, I simply do a search on ShopSocially for items and find discussions that have between other people who have bought a similar item. I hate the hours of browsing through unreliable (and sometimes planted) reviews on shopping websites to arrive at the right decision. ShopSocially makes it simple.

Pretty cool, huh? A shopping shout is one of the basic components of ShopSocially. When friends share their purchases and other friends shout for stuff they are looking for, everyone benefits from the collective shopping wisdom that is created as shopping gets done.

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